The MCF format is a strict subset of the W3C WebVTT format ("Draft Community Group Report, 17 February 2016").
Files with content in the MCF format are saved with the filename extension .mcf
and must be encoded in UTF-8 (without BOM) exclusively.
The MIME type for files in the MCF format should be text/mcf+vtt
but currently is text/plain
for compatibility.
, followed by a single U+0020 SPACE
character, the subset identifier MovieContentFilter
, another single U+0020 SPACE
character and the version identifier 1.0.0
. After that, the line must end with a WebVTT line terminator.NOTE
. After that, the line must end with a WebVTT line terminator.START
, a single U+0020 SPACE
character and a WebVTT timestamp pointing to the exact start of the actual film material, which is after any opening title sequences, credits or company logos. After that, the line must end with a WebVTT line terminator.END
, a single U+0020 SPACE
character and a WebVTT timestamp pointing to the exact end of the actual film material, which is before any closing credits or company logos. After that, the line must end with a WebVTT line terminator.U+003D EQUALS SIGN
character and the severity. Optionally, after another single U+003D EQUALS SIGN
character as the divider, a channel may be included. Optionally as well, after the character sequence U+0020 SPACE
, U+0020 SPACE
, there may be a comment.
› Commercial content (General)advertBreak
› Advert break consumerism
› Consumerism productPlacement
› Product placement discrimination
› Discrimination (General)adultism
› Adultism antisemitism
› Antisemitism genderism
› Genderism homophobia
› Homophobia misandry
› Misandry misogyny
› Misogyny racism
› Racism sexism
› Sexism supremacism
› Supremacism transphobia
› Transphobia xenophobia
› Xenophobia dispensable
› Dispensable scenes (General)idiocy
› Idiocy tedious
› Tedious scene drugs
› Drugs (General)alcohol
› Alcohol antipsychotics
› Antipsychotics cigarettes
› Cigarettes depressants
› Depressants gambling
› Gambling hallucinogens
› Hallucinogens stimulants
› Stimulants fear
› Fear (General)accident
› Accident acrophobia
› Acrophobia aliens
› Aliens arachnophobia
› Arachnophobia astraphobia
› Astraphobia aviophobia
› Aviophobia chemophobia
› Chemophobia claustrophobia
› Claustrophobia coulrophobia
› Coulrophobia cynophobia
› Cynophobia death
› Death dentophobia
› Dentophobia emetophobia
› Emetophobia enochlophobia
› Enochlophobia explosion
› Explosion fire
› Fire gerascophobia
› Gerascophobia ghosts
› Ghosts grave
› Grave hemophobia
› Hemophobia hylophobia
› Hylophobia melissophobia
› Melissophobia misophonia
› Misophonia musophobia
› Musophobia mysophobia
› Mysophobia nosocomephobia
› Nosocomephobia nyctophobia
› Nyctophobia siderodromophobia
› Siderodromophobia thalassophobia
› Thalassophobia vampires
› Vampires language
› Language (General)blasphemy
› Blasphemy nameCalling
› Name-calling sexualDialogue
› Sexual dialogue swearing
› Swearing vulgarity
› Vulgarity nudity
› Nudity (General)bareButtocks
› Bare buttocks exposedGenitalia
› Exposed genitalia fullNudity
› Full nudity toplessness
› Toplessness sex
› Sex (General)adultery
› Adultery analSex
› Anal sex coitus
› Coitus kissing
› Kissing masturbation
› Masturbation objectification
› Objectification oralSex
› Oral sex premaritalSex
› Premarital sex promiscuity
› Promiscuity prostitution
› Prostitution violence
› Violence (General)choking
› Choking crueltyToAnimals
› Cruelty to animals culturalViolence
› Cultural violence desecration
› Desecration emotionalViolence
› Emotional violence kicking
› Kicking massacre
› Massacre murder
› Murder punching
› Punching rape
› Rape slapping
› Slapping slavery
› Slavery stabbing
› Stabbing torture
› Torture warfare
› Warfare weapons
› Weapons low
› Lowmedium
› Mediumhigh
› Highboth
› Both video and audio (Default)video
› Video onlyaudio
› Audio onlyWEBVTT MovieContentFilter 1.0.0 NOTE START 00:00:04.020 END 01:24:00.100 00:00:06.075 --> 00:00:10.500 violence=high 00:06:14.000 --> 00:06:17.581 gambling=medium # Some comment drugs=high=video 00:58:59.118 --> 01:00:03.240 sex=low=both # Another comment 01:02:31.020 --> 01:02:49.800 fear=low language=high=audio